Digital Predistortion
Energy conservation has become a major social issue. New intelligent solutions are required to reduce energy consumption of communication systems.
Energy conservation has become a major social issue. New intelligent solutions are required to reduce energy consumption of communication systems.
Exploiting sparcity characteristics of signals in specific applications can lead to reduce power consumption and limit the amount of data acquired and stored ; this is the paradigm of compressed sampling for data acquisition systems.
A very good candidate for implementing flexible receivers is direct RF-to-Digital Delta Sigma receiver (DDSR)
Analog-to-information sensing, going beyond compressive sampling
A quantized view on compressive sensing systems and compressive learning methods
Nouveau récepteur radio numérique pour les observations astrophysiques spatiales dans la bande de fréquence 1 kHz à 50 MHz.
Wideband Compressive Spectrum Sensing Using a Subsampling based Architecture.
An FIR memory polynomial predistorter for wideband RF power amplifiers.
Emetteur/récepteur pour applications large bande utilisant la transformée de Walsh.
Analog RF Predistortion for Small-Cell 5G Wireless Nodes.
Our two submitted papers have been accepted for presentation at the 2017 IEEE 15th International NEWCAS Conference, to be held in Strasbourg, France in June 2017.
Let’s meet there !
The open source project for the simulation framework of continuous time modulators has been demonstrated at DATE’17 (EPLF, Lausanne, Switzerland)
The poster is available at :
2017-03 – DATE17 – Pham – CoDEMA Poster