Digital Predistortion
Energy conservation has become a major social issue. New intelligent solutions are required to reduce energy consumption of communication systems.
Energy conservation has become a major social issue. New intelligent solutions are required to reduce energy consumption of communication systems.
Exploiting sparcity characteristics of signals in specific applications can lead to reduce power consumption and limit the amount of data acquired and stored ; this is the paradigm of compressed sampling for data acquisition systems.
A very good candidate for implementing flexible receivers is direct RF-to-Digital Delta Sigma receiver (DDSR)
A Multi-Channel Sigma-Delta Modulator for Subband Digital Predistortion with LTE signals.
Développement d’un nouveau design de récepteur radio pour les observations astrophysique spatiales dans la bande 1KHz à 50 MHz.
Efficient Hardware Architectures for local positioning systems
Nouvelles Structures d’Echantillonneurs-Bloqueurs pour la Conversion Analogique Numérique Large Bande.
Hardware Implementation of Subsampled Adaptive Subband Digital Predistortion Algorithm.
Conception d’un CAN large bande pour la linéarisation d’amplificateur de puissance.
Digital post-distortion for wideband receivers.
Efficient time-interleaved ADC
Digitally Enhanced Mixed-Signal Processing Systems